Welcome to the Business Complaints.
Do you have any suggestions that could improve this website? please post it here. Thanks!
As Seen on TV Product Reviews
Multi level marketing and Get Rich Quick schemes legal and illegal.
Post all other internet scams here
These are the most dangerous internet scams and most creatively designed ways to wipe out your bank account. Please post your Nigerian Scams here to warn people about the dangers of these con artists.
Please post scams that do not fit under the above categories.
We have all seen these ads, has anyone ever really made money from home. Who are the good, bad, and ugly?
Boiler room scams, telemarketers, and money scams.
With big money comes big scams. Many hide behind corporate structure to avoid personal liabilty.
Everyone has received offers in the mail that are 'too good to be true'. Unless everyone unites and shuts down these scams, these businesses will continue to take advantage of people.
Post all lottery scams here.
Taxes, laws, conspiracies, and government cover-ups city, state, and nationwide.
....enter your name and WIN scams. Contests that sell your information to other companies so they can spam you or call you every night at dinner about an incredible offer.
Insurance rates are off the chart due to people scamming insurance companies. Also post how insurance companies have scammed you.
There is an epidemic going on now with mortgage and lending scams. I must get over 200 spam mails a day on this. Please use this forum to expose bad companies.
Post all your "bait and switch" advertising experiences or links here.
Are you an affiliate of any online pharmacy program? have you been ripped off and scammed by them? post your story here!
The truth about charities and the money they steal from people.
Used car scams, fraudulent rebates, and unethical advertising techniques.
Been burned on an internet auction site? Want to warn other people about a scammer?
There has been an increase in internet hotel scams lately.
This section was created to post and read about sports controversy. This includes drug use, cheating, gambling, and of course...sports scams.
I will personally review products and websites and do a personal writeup.
Post your favorite youtube or other embeded videos right here! Keep it clean please!
Post all Internet Casino Scams here.
Have you hired an employee and had a bad experience with them? post the employee name here and your review about them, so future employers will be aware!
Have you done any work with a freelancer? post the freelancer details here and your review about them@
Have you ate at a restaurant? and had a problem? post your experience here.
Post your complaints, and reviews about Police
Post your complaints, and reviews about Toronto Police
Post your complaints, and reviews about York Region Police
Post your complaints, and reviews about Peel Region Police
Got a complaint about a business? post it here and make your voice heard!
Post spam you had received to your email here!
A forum where everyone can do NON-SCAM-RELATED posts. Speak your mind, go on record, or just have fun.
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