Time Before: 0.00306 seconds
Time After: 0.00511 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00205 seconds
Memory Before: 509.984 KB
Memory After: 532.758 KB
Memory Used: 22.773 KB
Time Before: 0.00531 seconds
Time After: 0.00627 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00096 seconds
Memory Before: 532.695 KB
Memory After: 533.641 KB
Memory Used: 0.945 KB
SET @@sql_mode = ''
Time Before: 0.00649 seconds
Time After: 0.00661 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00011 seconds
Memory Before: 534.195 KB
Memory After: 534.719 KB
Memory Used: 0.523 KB
SELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('smiliecache','bbcodecache','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache','usergroupcache','stylecache','languagecache','products','pluginlist','cron','profilefield','loadcache','noticecache','activitystream')
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | datastore | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 50 | 16 | Using index condition |
Time Before: 0.00755 seconds
Time After: 0.00831 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00076 seconds
Memory Before: 537.609 KB
Memory After: 538.453 KB
Memory Used: 0.844 KB
Time Before: 0.00667 seconds
Time After: 0.01091 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00424 seconds
Memory Before: 533.969 KB
Memory After: 1,142.375 KB
Memory Used: 608.406 KB
SELECT * FROM session WHERE userid = 0 AND host = '' AND idhash = '3baccf9796c876a91b207ca555fa88a5' LIMIT 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | session | ref | guest_lookup,user_activity | guest_lookup | 51 | const,const,const | 2 | Using where |
Time Before: 0.01466 seconds
Time After: 0.01500 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00033 seconds
Memory Before: 1,639.297 KB
Memory After: 1,639.914 KB
Memory Used: 0.617 KB
SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global, phrasegroup_wol AS phrasegroup_wol, phrasegroup_user AS phrasegroup_user, phrasegroup_messaging AS phrasegroup_messaging, phrasegroup_cprofilefield AS phrasegroup_cprofilefield, phrasegroup_infractionlevel AS phrasegroup_infractionlevel, phrasegroup_posting AS phrasegroup_posting, phrasegroup_profilefield AS phrasegroup_profilefield, phrasegroup_activitystream AS phrasegroup_activitystream, phrasegroupinfo AS lang_phrasegroupinfo, options AS lang_options, languagecode AS lang_code, charset AS lang_charset, locale AS lang_locale, imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride, dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride, timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride, registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride, calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override, calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override, logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride, decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep, thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep FROM language WHERE languageid = 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | language | system | PRIMARY | 1 |
Time Before: 0.01604 seconds
Time After: 0.01670 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00066 seconds
Memory Before: 1,652.469 KB
Memory After: 1,652.195 KB
Memory Used: -0.273 KB
Time Before: 0.01383 seconds
Time After: 0.01699 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00316 seconds
Memory Before: 1,631.773 KB
Memory After: 1,780.945 KB
Memory Used: 149.172 KB
SELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('routes')
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | datastore | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 50 | const | 1 |
Time Before: 0.01770 seconds
Time After: 0.01791 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00021 seconds
Memory Before: 1,782.055 KB
Memory After: 1,782.633 KB
Memory Used: 0.578 KB
SELECT * FROM style WHERE (styleid = 2 AND userselect = 1) OR styleid = 2 ORDER BY styleid ASC LIMIT 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | style | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 2 | const | 1 |
Time Before: 0.02505 seconds
Time After: 0.02546 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00041 seconds
Memory Before: 2,375.039 KB
Memory After: 2,375.633 KB
Memory Used: 0.594 KB
SELECT userfield.*, usertextfield.*, user.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(passworddate) AS passworddate, user.languageid AS saved_languageid, IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS avwidth, customavatar.height AS avheight, customavatar.height_thumb AS avheight_thumb, customavatar.width_thumb AS avwidth_thumb, customavatar.filedata_thumb, customprofilepic.userid AS profilepic, customprofilepic.dateline AS profilepicdateline, customprofilepic.width AS ppwidth, customprofilepic.height AS ppheight, sigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight, usercsscache.cachedcss, IF(usercsscache.cachedcss IS NULL, 0, 1) AS hascachedcss, usercsscache.buildpermissions AS cssbuildpermissions FROM user AS user LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON (user.userid = userfield.userid) LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (usertextfield.userid = user.userid) LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON (avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON (customavatar.userid = user.userid) LEFT JOIN customprofilepic AS customprofilepic ON (user.userid = customprofilepic.userid) LEFT JOIN sigpic AS sigpic ON (user.userid = sigpic.userid) LEFT JOIN usercsscache AS usercsscache ON (user.userid = usercsscache.userid) WHERE user.userid = 1376
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | avatar | system | PRIMARY | 0 | Const row not found | |||
1 | SIMPLE | customavatar | system | PRIMARY | 0 | Const row not found | |||
1 | SIMPLE | sigpic | system | PRIMARY | 0 | Const row not found | |||
1 | SIMPLE | usercsscache | system | PRIMARY | 0 | Const row not found | |||
1 | SIMPLE | user | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
1 | SIMPLE | userfield | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
1 | SIMPLE | usertextfield | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
1 | SIMPLE | customprofilepic | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 0 | Unique row not found |
Time Before: 0.02996 seconds
Time After: 0.03093 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00097 seconds
Memory Before: 2,968.633 KB
Memory After: 2,968.617 KB
Memory Used: -0.016 KB
SELECT text, languageid, special FROM phrase AS phrase LEFT JOIN phrasetype USING (fieldname) WHERE phrase.fieldname = 'error' AND varname = 'nopermission_loggedout' AND languageid IN (-1, 0, 1)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | phrase | range | name_lang_type,languageid | name_lang_type | 276 | 3 | Using index condition | |
1 | SIMPLE | phrasetype | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 20 | const | 1 | Using where |
Time Before: 0.03249 seconds
Time After: 0.03314 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00064 seconds
Memory Before: 3,014.766 KB
Memory After: 3,015.188 KB
Memory Used: 0.422 KB
SELECT title, template FROM template WHERE templateid IN (800,829,790,791,793,799,798,626,627,628,0,0,629,0,0,630,635,631,632,633,636,637,638,639,640,691,693,695,697,699,0,746,745,748,749,752,753,995,1165,1171,804,802,805,807,806,808,809,810,811,812,813,814,819,816,818,815,817,828,830,831,840,822,833,834,835,836,838,801,827,832,841,837,843,842,839,919,1254,1264,1205,1275,67,66,68,63,62,651,652,650,649,71,72,656,961,1257,907,911,908,909,910,1273,0,0,1236,1238,931,932,934,935,1158,1200,1199,1249,1201,758,757,761)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | template | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | 110 | Using index condition |
Time Before: 0.03540 seconds
Time After: 0.03735 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00195 seconds
Memory Before: 3,233.414 KB
Memory After: 3,236.039 KB
Memory Used: 2.625 KB
SELECT * FROM navigation WHERE state & 4 = 0 ORDER BY navtype, displayorder
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | navigation | ALL | 27 | Using where; Using filesort |
Time Before: 0.04551 seconds
Time After: 0.04588 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00037 seconds
Memory Before: 3,455.945 KB
Memory After: 3,459.406 KB
Memory Used: 3.461 KB
UPDATE session SET lastactivity = 1736893430, location = '/member.php?1376-analisamerkt&explain=1', inforum = 0, inthread = 0, badlocation = 1 WHERE sessionhash = '798d4b237f280faa648d866fb5111667'
Time Before: 0.04981 seconds
Time After: 0.05010 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00028 seconds
Memory Before: 3,734.875 KB
Memory After: 3,735.070 KB
Memory Used: 0.195 KB