Time Before: 0.00318 seconds
Time After: 0.00539 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00221 seconds
Memory Before: 502.820 KB
Memory After: 525.602 KB
Memory Used: 22.781 KB
Time Before: 0.00558 seconds
Time After: 0.00663 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00105 seconds
Memory Before: 525.539 KB
Memory After: 526.484 KB
Memory Used: 0.945 KB
SET @@sql_mode = ''
Time Before: 0.00688 seconds
Time After: 0.00703 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00015 seconds
Memory Before: 527.039 KB
Memory After: 527.563 KB
Memory Used: 0.523 KB
SELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache','usergroupcache','stylecache','languagecache','products','pluginlist','cron','profilefield','loadcache','noticecache','activitystream')
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | datastore | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 50 | 14 | Using index condition |
Time Before: 0.00805 seconds
Time After: 0.00905 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00100 seconds
Memory Before: 530.258 KB
Memory After: 531.063 KB
Memory Used: 0.805 KB
Time Before: 0.00712 seconds
Time After: 0.01134 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00422 seconds
Memory Before: 526.813 KB
Memory After: 1,095.258 KB
Memory Used: 568.445 KB
SELECT * FROM session WHERE userid = 0 AND host = '' AND idhash = '3baccf9796c876a91b207ca555fa88a5' LIMIT 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | session | ref | guest_lookup,user_activity | guest_lookup | 51 | const,const,const | 2 | Using where |
Time Before: 0.01448 seconds
Time After: 0.01480 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00032 seconds
Memory Before: 1,589.211 KB
Memory After: 1,589.828 KB
Memory Used: 0.617 KB
SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global, phrasegroup_fronthelp AS phrasegroup_fronthelp, phrasegroup_register AS phrasegroup_register, phrasegroupinfo AS lang_phrasegroupinfo, options AS lang_options, languagecode AS lang_code, charset AS lang_charset, locale AS lang_locale, imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride, dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride, timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride, registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride, calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override, calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override, logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride, decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep, thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep FROM language WHERE languageid = 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | language | system | PRIMARY | 1 |
Time Before: 0.01575 seconds
Time After: 0.01627 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00052 seconds
Memory Before: 1,601.438 KB
Memory After: 1,601.438 KB
Memory Used: 0.000 KB
Time Before: 0.01374 seconds
Time After: 0.01648 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00274 seconds
Memory Before: 1,581.688 KB
Memory After: 1,661.453 KB
Memory Used: 79.766 KB
SELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('routes')
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | datastore | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 50 | const | 1 |
Time Before: 0.01713 seconds
Time After: 0.01735 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00022 seconds
Memory Before: 1,662.875 KB
Memory After: 1,663.453 KB
Memory Used: 0.578 KB
SELECT IF(thread.visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted, post.pagetext AS description, thread.* FROM thread AS thread LEFT JOIN post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid) WHERE thread.threadid = 22
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | thread | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
1 | SIMPLE | post | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 |
Time Before: 0.02056 seconds
Time After: 0.02088 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00032 seconds
Memory Before: 1,952.039 KB
Memory After: 1,952.633 KB
Memory Used: 0.594 KB
SELECT * FROM style WHERE (styleid = 2 AND userselect = 1) OR styleid = 2 ORDER BY styleid ASC LIMIT 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | style | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 2 | const | 1 |
Time Before: 0.02196 seconds
Time After: 0.02244 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00048 seconds
Memory Before: 1,985.875 KB
Memory After: 1,986.469 KB
Memory Used: 0.594 KB
SELECT COUNT(postid) AS posts, post.username AS postuser,user.userid,user.username FROM post AS post LEFT JOIN user AS user USING(userid) WHERE threadid = 22 AND visible = 1 GROUP BY userid ORDER BY posts DESC
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | post | ref | threadid,threadid_visible_dateline | threadid | 4 | const | 1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
1 | SIMPLE | user | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | business_business.post.userid | 1 |
Time Before: 0.02493 seconds
Time After: 0.02549 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00056 seconds
Memory Before: 2,510.242 KB
Memory After: 2,510.656 KB
Memory Used: 0.414 KB
SELECT title, template FROM template WHERE templateid IN (1186,1187,1254,1264,1205,1275,67,66,68,63,62,651,652,650,649,71,72,656,961,1257,907,911,908,909,910,1273,0,0,1236,1238,931,932,934,935,1158,1200,1199,1249,1201,758,757,761)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | template | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | 41 | Using index condition |
Time Before: 0.02699 seconds
Time After: 0.02777 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00078 seconds
Memory Before: 2,674.492 KB
Memory After: 2,675.797 KB
Memory Used: 1.305 KB
UPDATE session SET lastactivity = 1737391074, location = '/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=22&explain=1', inforum = 21, inthread = 22, badlocation = 0 WHERE sessionhash = 'ba28aff600ee6d38df010f67faafb304'
Time Before: 0.03356 seconds
Time After: 0.03376 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00020 seconds
Memory Before: 2,842.438 KB
Memory After: 2,842.617 KB
Memory Used: 0.180 KB