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Thread: Wow Mobile Scam!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Wow Mobile Scam!

    If you're dealing with Randy Jeffers and Wow Mobile, you've got something to watch out for. 10 years ago Randy Jeffers was dealing with what is known as the Destiny Telecom scam taking advantage of the deregulated phone charges and hundreds of innocent users. Now he's back with another trick up his sleeve, but it may be similar to what he handed out to people before.

    Wow Mobile can be found under Randy Jeffer's Liberty International MLM Program. You get offered free service for every three people that you sign up. A no-contract unlimted service is also offered for less than a hundred dollars. On top of all this you are promised financial freedom for those people who would like to sell these to others.

    What you actually get is a non-existent network passing off TMOBILE phones to unsuspecting customers. If you do a bit of digging up you'll find that ther is no actual office, just a P.O. Box number that is actually registered to Randy Jefferson's home address. This ought to be a good enough warning or sign for those people who might fall for this networking scam.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Randy Jeffers

    I too was involved in Destiny Telecom. Trust me on this, Randy Jeffers is not to be trusted. I spent hundreds of dollars and 2 years building my business via Randy Jeffers.He had every attorney general in the US trying to shut Destiny down. He let down hundreds of people who trusted him to run Destiny like a business. His promises are empty and he became rich with our sweat and dollars. He is NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! If you don"t listen to those who have had dealings with him, I feel sorry for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default there's a WOW office right down the street from me.

    just saw this "business" today. I understand MLM, IT, and VOIP.
    Vonage is a rip-off. I'm anxious to see if the VOIP technology is better today than it was 3 years ago.

  4. #4

    Default Why is this a scam?....It isn't

    To all of the individuals who are reading this:

    Most of the time, people that post bad ideas and things on these websites are because one of two reasons if not both.

    1. They have been "burned" meaning maybe they did have an experience with the company or any company for that matter. They must have not really put in the work needed to succeed, so they failed!

    2. They are a competitor, who cannot compete, so try to make the company look bad.

    Liberty International has teamed with T-Mobile and Google to provide exceptional service to Americans, and soon the company will have over 50 countries added to its service plans.
    Liberty International has been in business for over 11 years, with numerous products, health, wellness, VOIP, video phones, fundraising, diredt tv.....exc.
    Wow Mobile is a newly lauched product/service added to thier compensation plans. Currently, Liberty is the only company that offers FREE Cell phone Service when 3 customers are referred to a service plan. All of thier products and services have this same benefit. So be informed and make a decision for yourself!!

  5. #5

    Default Randy Jeffers files BANKRUPTCY for Liberty International

    Randy Jeffers filed Bankruptcy Chapter 7 for Liberty International, LLC on August 20, 2010.
    Case # 10-65095
    The meeting of creditors was on September 17th, 2010
    Only 3 creditors were listed, the same name with 3 different addresses:
    TMobile, TMobile and TMobile
    None of the thousands of Independent Reps that he owes money was listed as a creditor, or even invited to the Meeting of Creditors.
    He filed as a NO ASSET CASE
    His attorney is David Jacobson - tel: 503-588-0556
    (Not Daniel Johnson?)

    You can confirm by contacting:
    Eugene Oregon Bankruptcy Court
    Wayne Lyman Morse Court House
    405 E 8th Av
    Eugene, OR 97401
    541- 431-4000

    The Trustee is:
    Ronald Sticka
    PO Box 10990
    Eugene, OR 97440

    Jeffers filed as a NO ASSET CASE, which means that he is hiding all assets in order to weazel out of paying you your money that he owes you.
    Randy Jeffers is not even righteous enough to mention that he scammed thousands of good people out of thousand and thousands of hard earned dollars.

    If 17'000 people were scammed out of an average $775.00, where is the over $13 Million dollars?
    As you are aware, most were scammed out of nearly $1000.00 each.
    Where is good ol Randy hiding your money?

    What you can do:
    Kim is Randy Jeffers' Bankruptcy Trustee Ronald Sticka's assistant.
    Send Kim an email.
    Reference Case #10-65095
    Let Kim know that Liberty International, LLC owes you money, and the amount.
    Let Kim know that you did not receive a Creditor's Meeting Notice.
    Request to be put on the list for further notification regarding the case.
    Let Kim know that Randy Jeffers lied to you over and over.
    Let Kim know any information that you have regarding any of Jeffer's assets, Liberty Freedom Network, LibertyKidz, YOUR MONEY, etc., and anything else that you know about.
    They will reinvestigate accordingly.

    Everyone that is owed money is a creditor.
    Jeffers knows that he owes a lot of folks money.
    Jeffers has knowingly withheld important information pertinent to his bankruptcy case.

    Everyone that Randy Jeffers / Liberty International / Wow Mobile owes money should contact and advise the amount you are owed.


  6. #6


    Rebecca Kamitsuka, US DOJ (United States Department Of Justice) has a stack of correspondence from “Creditors” requesting to be listed in the Liberty International /Randy Jeffers Bankruptcy.
    It is NOT the responsibility of the DOJ to file Creditor’s Claims with the court, and, due to the overwhelming volume, everyone needs to be aware that her office WILL NOT file creditors claims with the court.
    Neither Ms. Kamitsuka nor Ron Sticka’s office (Bankruptcy Trustee) will file the creditors claims with the court.
    Ms. Kamitsuka cannot offer legal advice to the “Creditors” as she is the attorney for the US Bankruptcy Trustee.
    Everyone that has corresponded with her office must contact the debtor’s attorney to be added as a Creditor.
    The Trustee and the DOJ definately need to be informed, as everyone is doing a fine job of, however, The DOJ office requests that everyone MUST contact the debtors attorney and file a written request to be included as a CREDITOR .
    IMPORTANT : Reference Case #10-65095-AER7 with all corresondence.
    Call and Write to :
    David Jacobson / Debtor’s Attorney
    715 Commercial St NE
    Salem, OR 97301
    tel: 503-588-0556
    Also file with the Clerk of Court:
    Call 541- 431-4000 to request a form to fill out and file.
    Inquire how to get listed on the Creditor’s mailing matrix…
    Eugene Oregon Bankruptcy Court
    Wayne Lyman Morse Court House
    405 E 8th Av Ste 2600
    Eugene, OR 97401
    541- 431-4000
    Send copies to:
    P Rebecca Kamitsuka
    US DOJ Ofc of the US Trustee
    405 E 8th Ave Ste 1100
    Eugene OR 97401
    And send copies to:
    Ronald Sticka /Trustee
    PO Box 10990
    Eugene, OR 97440
    It is the Trustee’s job to find Assets.
    Mr. Sticka is reportedly very proficient in his job.
    Everyone MUST contact David Jacobson to be included as a Creditor.
    If you are not listed as a Creditor and assets are discovered that can apply to this case, you may not be eligible to receive any payment (refund), so it is in your best interest to contact David Jacobson’s office and the Bankruptcy Court to file your claim.
    Follow up any telephone conversations with a WRITTEN REQUEST to include written confirmation of your claim, and later, a follow-up phone call.
    Again, it is very important that everyone contact David Jacobson with your claim to be included as a creditor ASAP.
    In Bankruptcy cases, there are time constraints, it is further suggested that everyone contact with a bankruptcy attorney to inquire about your rights as a creditor.
    THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE STOOD UP AND BEEN HEARD, Liberty International IS being scrutinized.
    The search for assets is on.
    Currently, Liberty International’s Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case filing has been reclassified as “UNKNOWN ASSETS”.
    Encouragingly Different from “NO ASSETS”.
    Everyone is encouraged to advise anyone they know to be a potential Creditor to Liberty International to CONTACT DAVID JACOBSON’S OFFICE WITH THEIR CLAIM.
    It may be your only chance at any form of restitution.

  7. #7




    November 18, 2010

    1001 SW 5th Ave #700
    Portland, OR 97204
    (503) 326-1500

    Creditor Help Page

    A creditor in a bankruptcy case is a person or entity to whom the debtor (the person or entity that filed for bankruptcy) owes money or who claims to be owed money by the debtor. If you have received a notice from the court about a particular bankruptcy case, it means that the debtor has listed you in the debtor's bankruptcy case as someone to whom the debtor owes money or might owe money.

    Because of the Automatic Stay you are not allowed to begin or continue any efforts to collect the debt owed to you by the person or entity who has filed bankruptcy, and you should contact an attorney for advice on how to proceed.

    If you believe the debtor is hiding money or property or is being untruthful in a bankruptcy case, call or write the U.S. Trustee (503-326-4000 for Portland cases; 541-465-6330 for Eugene cases) or the case trustee. You can also send an email to the U.S. Trustee's

    Fraud Hotline at

    Guidelines for using the hotline are posted at the U.S. Trustee's web site. If you have questions about what is happening in a particular bankruptcy case, call the case trustee.


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